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Last Minute!(2022)
University Final Project
The animation is about a vampire, Emilia, who was having trouble deciding which job to take, which seemed important because it was the first job in her life. Because of this, Emilia became too anxious to make a decision because she was afraid that things might go wrong if she didn't choose wisely. After talking to her mentor, she was finally able to make up her mind and move forward.
Most of the voices and sound effects in this animation were recorded by myself.





Individual Animation Project
The story of the animation is about a demon and a wizard. The idea that the demon has many eyes comes from the movie Princess Mononoke(Hayao Miyazaki, 1997). In this movie, the eyes of the characters are not still, but show squashing and stretching from time to time. This becomes obvious when the wolves are showing their feelings, as their eyes changed into different shape. I applied this principle to the eyes of the demon so it looks more realistic when the eyes are opening or closing.

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